Get the Meeting Moving and Keep it Moving
LHCM is all bout balancing the body and mind, keeping the body strong and the mind sharp, and fitting exercise into busy schedules can be quite a challenge. Why not mix your meetings and get exercise at the same time? Most meetings tend to be a waste of time why not do something that is known to be beneficial,exercise. If you are meeting with a small group, get moving. Take a walk aroudn the office and discuss your issues. Your blood will be flowing and you'll feel more up to the challenge, your brain will be awake and responsive, and you may actually accomplish something during the meeting.CEO's and politicians are often forced to have such mobile meetings but why not embrace the opportunity and encourage effective meetings by keeping them moving an active. Have you ever seen the cast of the West Wing sitting down talking to the president, those times are few and far between and half the episodes are shot with the president walking down a hall with people following him. This method will keep the briefs brief, and focus on getting to the heart of the matter.
Meeting Methods that your body and your Doctor Would Appreciate:
1. Take the stairs between floors
Stairs are not only a but kicking cardio workout, they can be a vital part of a persons day. No one will waste time in a meeting if they are forced to climb stairs, it will be focused and to the point.
2. Walk to the coffee shop
Chances are you'll be taking a trip there anyway as will half the employees in the office why not do it together and walk it.
3.Walk through the town
If you are stumped with a problem, where do the solutions tend to hit you, locked away behind a desk and computer or out in the world doing other things. Take your problem solving meetings on the road, inspiration tends to hit those who are active. Keep your employees moving.
4. On The Ball Meetings
A big problem during meetings is attentiveness and keeping those involved participating. A good way to avoid this is to keep them active instead of chairs use the giant exercise balls, they force you to hold your balance, stay centered, and be actively involved.

5. Important Meeting- Park Far Away
If you ever had to go to a career changing meeting and parked right next to the building, chances are you were still nervous when you got to the meeting. Park far away and give yourself a 5-10 minute walk to prepare yourself, you will find that your mind and body will relax and you will feel refreshed. While your walking, remind yourself that you are a success, you have a great product or solution, and all the other reasons why you are prepared and ready for action.
6. Go Crazy! Rent one of These for a Meeting
Change is good, it lightens and breaks up our normal lives. If your company needs a change chances are you and your employees need one too. Crazy ideas can revitalize creativity and restore inspiration in the workplace.
LHCM is all bout balancing the body and mind, keeping the body strong and the mind sharp, and fitting exercise into busy schedules can be quite a challenge. Why not mix your meetings and get exercise at the same time? Most meetings tend to be a waste of time why not do something that is known to be beneficial,exercise. If you are meeting with a small group, get moving. Take a walk aroudn the office and discuss your issues. Your blood will be flowing and you'll feel more up to the challenge, your brain will be awake and responsive, and you may actually accomplish something during the meeting.CEO's and politicians are often forced to have such mobile meetings but why not embrace the opportunity and encourage effective meetings by keeping them moving an active. Have you ever seen the cast of the West Wing sitting down talking to the president, those times are few and far between and half the episodes are shot with the president walking down a hall with people following him. This method will keep the briefs brief, and focus on getting to the heart of the matter.
Meeting Methods that your body and your Doctor Would Appreciate:
1. Take the stairs between floors
Stairs are not only a but kicking cardio workout, they can be a vital part of a persons day. No one will waste time in a meeting if they are forced to climb stairs, it will be focused and to the point.

Chances are you'll be taking a trip there anyway as will half the employees in the office why not do it together and walk it.
3.Walk through the town
If you are stumped with a problem, where do the solutions tend to hit you, locked away behind a desk and computer or out in the world doing other things. Take your problem solving meetings on the road, inspiration tends to hit those who are active. Keep your employees moving.
4. On The Ball Meetings
A big problem during meetings is attentiveness and keeping those involved participating. A good way to avoid this is to keep them active instead of chairs use the giant exercise balls, they force you to hold your balance, stay centered, and be actively involved.

5. Important Meeting- Park Far Away
If you ever had to go to a career changing meeting and parked right next to the building, chances are you were still nervous when you got to the meeting. Park far away and give yourself a 5-10 minute walk to prepare yourself, you will find that your mind and body will relax and you will feel refreshed. While your walking, remind yourself that you are a success, you have a great product or solution, and all the other reasons why you are prepared and ready for action.
6. Go Crazy! Rent one of These for a Meeting

Change is good, it lightens and breaks up our normal lives. If your company needs a change chances are you and your employees need one too. Crazy ideas can revitalize creativity and restore inspiration in the workplace.
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